2021 Fleet Hall of Fame Nominations

The Fleet Hall of Fame honors and recognizes fleet industry leaders and pioneers who have contributed significantly to the commercial fleet management profession.

Eligible nominees must have at least 10 years fleet management experience and have contributed significantly to the industry.

Inaugurated in 2008 with 20 founding honorees, three more will be selected for the 2021 award.

Submit your nomination today!

Nominations are due June 1, 2021.

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* 1. Who would you like to nominate for the 2021 Fleet Hall of Fame Awards?

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* 2. Why do you believe the above named nominee should be included in the 2021 Fleet Hall of Fame?

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* 3. Please fill out your contact information.

Thank you for your nomination. The three inductees for the 2021 Fleet Hall of Fame Awards will be announced at the 2021 Automotive Fleet & Leasing Association (AFLA) Conference. Visit www.afla.org for more information on the event. E-mail: mike.antich@bobit.com for any questions on the nominee process.