The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) is conducting its 20th annual Top Industry Issues Survey to identify critical issues confronting our industry and develop strategies for addressing those issues now and in the future. Your opinion is vital to stakeholders who are working to ensure the long-term vitality of our industry. Please take a few minutes to fill out the following survey.

Question Title

* What is your gender?

Question Title

* Pick your top three issues.

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Autonomous Trucks
Battery Electric Vehicles
Broker Issues
Cargo Theft
Compliance Safety Accountability (CSA)
Detention / Delay at Customer Facilities
Diesel Technician Shortage
Driver Compensation
Driver Distraction
Driver Health and Wellness
Driver Retention
Driver Shortage
Driver Training Standards
Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Mandate
Equipment and Parts Shortages
Fuel Prices
Hours-of-Service (HOS)
Independent Contractor Status
Insurance Cost / Availability
Lawsuit Abuse Reform
Marijuana Legalization
Predatory Towing
Speed Limiters
Transportation Infrastructure / Congestion / Funding
Truck Parking

Question Title

* Is there an issue that is important to you that is not listed?  If so, please enter here.