2024 Transfer Student Survey: Documenting the Student Voice |
Please complete this survey to help us learn more about transfer students like you and your experiences in college. This survey should take only about 10-15 minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers.
Your insights will help us understand what kinds of holistic supports transfer students need and help the College Fund to develop a transfer experience course. Survey data will be used by College Fund staff and its Transfer Advisory Committee, made up of TCU staff members, to inform our transfer student programming and build stronger supports for students like you. When you complete the survey, you will receive a $15 giftcard.
We plan to use insights from this survey to inform College Fund program design, reporting, and research on Native student experiences. The primary audience for insights from this survey are College Fund staff and partners, including tribal college staff, who work on our transfer pathways program. High level aggregated survey results may be shared on the College Fund's website, where they could be viewed by academic researchers, higher education professionals, and interested members of the public. Any data we share in a public-facing capacity will be aggregated across scholars and you will remain anonymous. If we quote you in a report or publication, we will refer to you by a general description such as "a transfer-out student" unless you consent to being named. There should be no direct harms to you from sharing your insights through this survey. Your answers are confidential and we will decouple your name from your responses during analysis. You may choose to exit this survey at any time.
If you have any questions, please contact Nicolette Weston, Program Administrator of Transfer and Admissions, at nweston@collegefund.org or 303.430.5353.
Wopila Eciciye. Thank you for your help!