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* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 4. Would you knowingly date a cheating partner?

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* 5. Would you be willing to forgive a cheating partner?

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* 6. Do you agree that a cheating partner puts you more at risk of contracting STIs?

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* 7. True or False - A cheating partner can affect your mental health negatively.

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* 8. True or False - Having a cheating partner can mess up your self-esteem because you might end up blaming yourself for their cheating.

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* 9. True or False - When you tolerate a cheating partner, you might end up thinking that cheating is normal.

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* 10. Do you agree that a cheating partner can cause you unnecessary humiliation?

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* 11. Is it true that when you catch your partner cheating, it breaks the trust in the relationship?

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* 12. True or False, When your partner cheats, it’s a sign that they don’t respect and value you.

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* 13. Do you know about Choma?

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* 14. If you answered yes, have you used the Choma platforms (Website, Social Media)?

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* 15. How long have you used the Choma platforms?