You are invited!

Dear Honoured Guest
In line with our commitment to Nation Building and Growth our leaders are encouraged to lead from the heart and not only from the head. We believe this notion is essential to the success of our organisation and to South Africa. T-Systems believes that through collective collaboration gender initiatives can be driven from the top to promote inclusive transformation and diversity, not only around the board room table but also in communities. We believe that the magic of our country lies in the diversity of its people, and in inclusive transformation. 

 As members of the 30% Club, we need to unlock the magic of diverse executive teams that can engage in a way that inspires future leaders to want to be part of a sustainable future.  

 T-Systems is proud to be a part of the launch of the 30% Club in the Western Cape and would like to invite you to join us in Cape Town on the 16th November 2017 (Details attached).

We are looking forward to spending the evening with you!

Best Regards

Gert Schoonbee                                                         Mike Buttner

Managing Director: T-Systems South Africa              Vice President: Sales and Service Management