2020 UTC APEX Award Submission


Deadline for entry: July 30, 2020

We are currently accepting nominations for the 2020 UTC APEX Award. The UTC APEX Award recognizes utilities that have completed compelling telecommunication projects; whether in emergencies or in steady-state, utility communications technology saves lives, protects property, and provide opportunities for communities to enhance economic prosperity. 

We encourage all to apply using this short online form. 

The UTC APEX Award is bestowed upon one utility company that provides electric, gas or water services. The nominee must have implemented innovative projects, taken actions, or initiated procedures that leverage communications technologies or information systems resulting in demonstrated benefits and positive impact on the communities they serve.

Nominations may be submitted on recommendations of peers, partners and witnesses to the work of the utility. However, an authorized representative of the utility must accept the nomination prior to being reviewed by the selection committee. A utility may be nominated more than once for different projects. For example, Utility A may be nominated for an innovative distribution automation project. Utility A may also be nominated for the solution it used to promote communications interoperability during a mutual aid situation.

Questions? Contact Karnel Thomas at karnel.thomas@utc.org.

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