
5% of survey complete.
Welcome to CSA Research’s survey on machine translation.on the demand side of machine translation. This survey is intended for enterprise, government, and non-governmental organizations that purchase machine translation software and/or services from language service providers, translation agencies, and freelancers. If you are a language service provider or a freelancer, please take this survey instead.
  • Your information is confidential. We will anonymize all answers and aggregate all responses. Any company-specific data you choose to provide will not be shared outside of CSA Research. For more details, please review our integrity policy. We also welcome you to contact us if you have any questions (
  • In appreciation for your time, you’ll receive a complimentary overview of the findings four to six weeks after publication of the report.
  • This survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are not required to answer every question, but we encourage you to answer as many as you have time for.
  • Use the survey's PREV and NEXT buttons to move forward or backward in the survey. If you use your browser's navigation buttons, you may exit the survey or lose the responses that you entered. 
You have until February 24, 2016 to participate.

Now, let's get started.

Copyright (c) 2016 by Common Sense Advisory, Inc. All rights reserved.