This Performance Management research seeks to understand the value of organizations’ performance management processes and what they are doing, and plan to do, to make them more relevant to improving the performance of individuals and the business.

Our goal is to develop a model and resources that help organizations re-think their approach to performance based on the needs of individuals, teams, and the organization.

The survey will just take 11-12 minutes to complete. To show our appreciation for your time and insight, those who complete the survey and provide their email will:
  • Receive a summary report of the survey results after the data is cleaned and analyzed.
  • Get immediate download access to Playbook: Understanding Performance in the Aftermath of COVID-19
You survey responses will remain confidential and your name will not be given to any external parties, nor will it be associated with any responses. The survey findings will only be reported in aggregate. If you agree to answer a few questions by phone, you may also be contacted by an analyst to request a confidential, qualitative research interview.

Thank you in advance for completing this important survey.

Stay healthy and safe,

Claude Werder
Senior Vice President and Principal HCM Analyst
Brandon Hall Group