Brandon Hall Group's Diversity and Inclusion Study focuses on how organizations are unifying D&I with talent processes such as talent acquisition and leadership development and how inclusion is impacting the overall culture and business practices.

This survey will take 10-12 minutes to complete. To show our appreciation for your time, those who complete the survey and provide their email will:

-- Receive a summary report of the research results.
-- Receive a $5 Amazon gift card (first 100 respondents)
-- Get download access to our infographic, The State of Women in Technology Leadership 2018.

Major topics included in the survey are:
-- Measurement of inclusion and diversity, including advanced or indirect measures.
-- How organizations are applying what they have learned from their D&I assessments.
-- Examining what works in inclusion programs, and what doesn’t.
-- Common obstacles to successful D&I implementation.
-- How technology can assist in uncovering inherent biases, and how it can help train people to overcome them.
-- The role of technology in assisting learning and career development by designing for different employee types.

Your survey responses will remain confidential and your name will not be given to any external parties. Your information will only be used for aggregate research purposes and to deliver your research summary results, complimentary research paper, and other items cited above. You also may be contacted by an analyst to request a qualitative research interview about the survey topic.

Definitions for the purposes of this survey:

Diversity: The variety of individuals or groups within an organization in terms of ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other distinguishing characteristic that would set them apart from the perceived norm

Inclusion: The promotion, acceptance, or management of multiple individuals or groups within an organization in terms of ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other distinguishing characteristic that would set them apart from the perceived norm

To put it simply: “Diversity is the noun, inclusion is the verb”.

Thank you in advance for participating in our research.

All the best,
Daria Friedman, Principal Analyst, Talent Acquisition, Brandon Hall Group
Cliff Stevenson, Principal Analyst, Workforce Management, Brandon Hall Group
Claude Werder, Vice President and Principal HCM Analyst, Brandon Hall Group