Will you participate in a telephone interview?

We are looking for people with experience managing as-maintained BOMs and product data for their manufactured products. Are you knowledgeable about how your company stays current on your products in the field and willing to participate in a research study?

The research consists of a 30 to 45 minute telephone interview and you do not need to prepare in advance. We would like to be able to quote some of your comments in an upcoming report if you approve.

Please let us know if you can help support our research and let us know how to contact you. We’ll share the results with you first and we may be able to compensate you for your time.*


* Eligible respondents will be offered a $100 gift card or a donation to the charity of their choice. To be eligible for this offer, you must be a professional with job responsibilities related to or supporting designing, developing, manufacturing, or servicing products. Vendors and consultants who sell software, solutions, or services are not eligible. Students without professional work experience are also not eligible. To verify eligibility, you must provide a work email that includes the domain of your place of employment. Email addresses will be kept confidential and will not be used for any direct sales or marketing purposes. If receiving incentives is against your company's policies or you would prefer to donate to a charity we will gladly do that on your behalf.
50% of survey complete.