Action Effectiveness Survey

Benchmarking effectiveness
The Medium and Large Aircraft Sector Risk Profile (SRP) workshops generated an initial list of 115 controls and 189 potential actions that the sector could undertake to strengthen the control environment. These were then refined by a CAA panel, resulting in a list of 31 mitigating actions for the sector to initially focus on. These can be found in the implementation plan here.

This plan provides a list of risks, controls, and actions. As the sector works through the first group of risks and actions identified in the report, new risks may be added as they emerge. In addition, sector participants can use this report to apply the risks and actions relevant to their operations, informing their SMS development. 

In order to ensure the activity is effective, the CAA will survey the sector periodically. These surveys will ask respondents to indicate how effective they consider the actions are in reducing or mitigating the risks.

The information will be processed by the CAA and circulated within the sector by the CAA SRP Lead during follow up interactions with the risk profile. This will inform the nature of future activity.

The survey consists of questions about 11 sector risks, and seeks your views on whether the actions being taken to mitigate the risks are effective. It also gives you the opportunity to share any controls/actions you have successfully implemented with other participants in Sector Risk Profile workshops. It should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Even if you are not directly involved in specific activities to address these risks, please respond as the results will be used to gain a general understanding of the level of sector confidence in the risk mitigation activities.