
Thank you for participating in this survey.

This survey is part of the Socio-Economic Impact Study of the The Alan Turing Institute which the Institute has commissioned Technopolis undertake. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the breadth of benefits the Institute has supported since its foundation and to demonstrate the Institute’s added value to the UK’s AI and Data Science ecosystem.

The purpose of this survey is to collect feedback from current and former researchers involved in delivering research and other activities in association with the Institute. We’re interested to know how your involvement with the Institute has benefited your knowledge and skills, your research practice and your career.

It seeks to gather information and feedback from researchers associated with The Alan Turing Institute as part of the Socio-Economic Impact Study of The Alan Turing Institute.

Current Alan Turing Institute staff can find more information about the study here:

Completing the survey should take no more than 15 minutes.

Before proceeding, please read the information below on ‘confidentiality and data’ and indicate that you give consent to the following statement concerning the use of your data.

Question Title

* 1. Before proceeding, please read the information below on ‘confidentiality and data’ and indicate that you give consent to the following statement concerning the use of your data.

Confidentiality and personal data

You are able to leave this survey at any time and you may request deletion of your survey submission and personal data at any point during or after the survey by emailing the study’s Project Manager, Charlotte Glass at Requests for deletion will be duly considered and we will write to you to confirm whether we have deleted you personal data and the basis for that decision.

All data and information provided will be considered confidential. The survey data will be treated in accordance with Technopolis's Privacy Policy and that of the Alan Turing Institute.

This information will be used by Technopolis only for the purposes of this study. Any publication of results will be in a synthesised and anonymised form. The data will be presented as aggregate statistics or charts and will not be linked to individuals.

This information will also be shared, in an de-identified format, with The Alan Turing Institute’s Office of the Director to help shape the future of the Institute. The Alan Turing Institute may share the data with research partners, funding partners, and in other ways to promote the impact of the Institute. Any such sharing or publication of the results will be as aggregated statistics, charts and unattributed quotes which will not be linked to any individual. We will take steps to make sure that no individual is identifiable from the information we share and publish. If you have any concerns about the sharing or publication of your personal data, please feel free to speak to us by emailing