As part of its ongoing research on gender equity in corporate leadership, Brandon Hall Group has developed the 2019 Women in
Leadership Survey.

We encourage both men and women to take the survey so we can capture a full range of perspectives on important issues related to efforts to advance women in leadership, including:
  • Strategies used to create a more inclusive recruiting process.
  • Solutions used to develop women for leadership roles, and their level of impact.
  • The extent to which vendors are utilized to develop all or parts of development programs for women leaders.
  • Situations that are holding back women from advancing to senior leadership levels.
  • The impact of training to raise awareness of unconscious bias and how to reduce it.
  • How the impact and effectiveness of leadership programs for women are measured.
  • Budgets for leadership, learning and inclusion programs dedicated to women in leadership and gender equity efforts.
This survey will take 12-15 minutes to complete. To show our appreciation for your time, those who complete the survey and provide their email will:
  • Receive a summary report of the research results.
  • Receive a $5 Amazon gift card (first 100 respondents)
  • Get download access to the infographic, The State of Women in Technology Leadership.
Your survey responses will remain completely confidential and your name will not be given to any external parties. Your personal information will only be used for aggregate research purposes and to deliver your research summary results, the complimentary research presentation, and other items cited above.

Thank you in advance for your help with this important research, and please let us know if we can help you in the pursuit of excellence in the year ahead. If you are interested in our women in leadership network, please email me at


Rachel Cooke
Chief Operating Officer
Brandon Hall Group