Rewarding and recognizing employees are critical drivers of employee performance, engagement and retention. However, organizations handle recognition in very different ways. This research seeks to understand the culture of recognition in organizations and its impact on individual, team and organizational performance. It also examines the impact of technology on the effectiveness of recognition.

The survey will take about 12-13 minutes to complete. To show our appreciation for your time, those who complete the survey and provide their email will:
  • Receive a summary report of the Rewards & Recognition results once the survey is completed (Allow 10-12 weeks).
  • Get download access to Brandon Hall Group’s tool, Determining Your Organization’s Performance Management Priorities.
Your survey responses will remain completely confidential and your name will not be given to any external parties. Your email will be used only to deliver your research summary results, complimentary research paper, and any other items cited above. If you give permission, you may also be contacted by our team to request a qualitative research interview about this research topic.

Thank you in advance for your help with this important research.

Claude Werder
Vice President and Principal HCM Analyst
Brandon Hall Group