Question Title

* 1. Have you filled this feedback form out before?

Question Title

* 2. Name/Email

Question Title

* 3. What was your overall experience using the tool today?

  Had a lot of issues Some Issues Neutral Worked ok Worked great
Logging into the tool
Using the search criteria filters
Accessing help/technical documentation
Downloading records

Question Title

* 4. How well did the tool serve your research needs?

Question Title

* 5. Did you run into any issues/bugs

Question Title

* 6. Bug/Issue

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 7. Is there a paper that you believe should be added to the tool? If so, please provide citation information.

Question Title

* 8. What size screen were you using during testing (best guess fine)

Question Title

* 9. What browser(s) were you using during testing?

Question Title

* 10. Any additional feedback?