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12% of survey complete.
Women in Food and Agriculture is back with our industry-wide survey to gather real-world insights into the professional landscape for women in food and ag. 
Inclusion and diversity in the workforce are essential to shaping a sustainable future. Previous survey results indicate there is a lot to be positive about when considering gender diversity. However, the findings do also show differences in the opinions of men and women when it comes to gender diversity, and highlight overall areas for improvement. Approaching 2 years of a world consumed by the pandemic, we want to know if this has impacted gender equality? Is the increased focus on Diversity and Inclusion programs making a difference? Has our work/life balance been affected? Get involved and help us find out!  
The WFA survey is open to all genders across the global food supply chain. It will close in July and the results will be published in September.

The survey remains fully anonymous, and no organisations or individuals will be identified within the results. 
However, after taking the survey, you may opt-in to receive an email when the results are made available and to sign up to our monthly WFA newsletter.  
The survey is available in six languages and can be changed in the dropdown menu on the top right-hand corner of this page 

Please click next below to start the survey.