Thank you for participating in the CGT 2020 Software LeaderBoard. Your evaluations will be kept strictly confidential and will be combined with others to create the Software LeaderBoard rankings. This survey is designed to be very short and just take a few minutes of your time.

All CGs who complete the survey and provide us with contact info (name and company e-mail) will be entered into a drawing for one of ten $25 and one $250 Amazon e-gift cards.

For each vendor you have experience using in the last 12 months, we will ask you to assign a point value of 1-5 (with 5 reflecting the highest level of satisfaction) in 10 areas including Overall Performance, Total Cost of Operation, Return On Investment, Technology Innovation, Product Reliability, Ease of Installation/Integration, Ease of Administration/Maintenance, Quality of Support, Quality of Service, and your Recommendation Status.

Please select only the software vendor(s) that you have an informed opinion about based on your use of them within the last 12 months. We urge you to select as many as you feel comfortable evaluating - up to 10. You'll then be prompted to answer follow-up questions about the suppliers you select. However, you must assign a point value for all 10 areas for your vote to count.

 Thank you for your time.

Tim Denman
Editor in Chief
Consumer Goods Technology