5% of survey complete.

Question Title

Q1. OVERALL SATISFACTION WITH TOWN SERVICES. Please rate your satisfaction with each of the services listed below.

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't Know
1. Overall quality of services provided by the Town of Chapel Hill
2. Overall quality of public safety services (e.g., police, fire)
3. Overall quality of Town parks and recreation programs and facilities
4. Overall quality of customer service you receive from Town employees
5. Overall quality of Public Library services
6. Overall enforcement of Town codes/ordinances
7. Overall maintenance of major streets
8. Overall maintenance of neighborhood streets
9. Overall maintenance of Town
buildings and facilities
10. Overall maintenance of public housing buildings and grounds
11. Overall flow of traffic and congestion management in the Town
12. Effectiveness of communication with public
13. Overall value for your tax dollars and fees
14. How well the Town is preparing for the future
15. How well the Town is managing change
16. Emergency preparedness
17. Quality of landscaping in parks, medians and other public areas
18. Quality of Chapel Hill Transit

Question Title

Q3. Please rate the items listed below that may influence your perception of Chapel Hill as a community.

  Excellent Good Neutral Below Average Poor Don't Know
1. Overall image of the Town
2. Overall quality of life in the Town
3. Overall feeling of safety in the Town
4. Quality of new development in the Town
5. As a place to retire
6. Overall appearance of the Town
7. Availability of affordable housing for sale
8. Availability of affordable housing for rent
9. Acceptance of diverse populations
10. As a community thinking about choices for future generations
11. Job availability