Please fill out the following form as completely as you can. NASA requires that we provide detailed information on each NASA funded activity. This data helps us determine how well we're doing in achieving the goals for the project. Your responses are not shared outside the Nevada System of Higher Education except with NASA. Completion of this form is required at the end of each semester that you participate in the project, however there may be times that reports are required earlier, depending on NASA's requirements. 

If you have any questions, you may contact Gibran Chavez-Gudino at or Alice Ward at

Question Title

* 1. Today's Date


Question Title


Question Title

* 3. Current Address

Question Title

* 4. Permanent Address


Question Title

* 7. What is your declared major/program? (e.g. A.A. in English, A.S. in Biological Science)

Question Title

* 8. Academic institution:

Question Title

* 9. Major/ Minor:

Question Title

* 10. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?

Question Title

* 11. What semester(s) did you participate in Community of Practice?

Question Title

* 12. How did you hear about the Community of Practice program?

Question Title

* 13. How many credits are you enrolled in for next semester?

Question Title

* 14. Grade Level:

Question Title

* 15. Anticipated Graduation Date (Associates Degree)


Question Title

* 16. What are your educational or career plans for after completing your AS degree?

Question Title

* 17. Have you changed your educational or career plans as a result of participating in this project?

Question Title

* 18. Will you be attending a different educational institution next year?


Question Title

* 19. Project Duration


Question Title

* 20. Please provide a summary description of your activity on this project including any anecdotal stories or highlights.

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* 21. During this project, were you engaged in research activities (such as lab or field work)?

Question Title

* 22. Did this activity/project provide you the opportunity to contribute to any publications?

Question Title

* 23. Did this activity/ project provide you the opportunity to travel?

Question Title

* 24. Did this activity/project provide the opportunity for you to participate as a presenter in any talks, poster presentations, or meetings?

Question Title

* 25. Did participation in this project make a significant impact on your current or future education/career choices?

Question Title

* 26. Did you receive funding related to your participation in this project? (such as scholarships, mini-grants, wages, funding to attend a special course or conference, travel awards, etc.)

Question Title

* 27. Approximately how many hours did you spend participating in the Community of Practice program per semester? (Explain as follows for each semester participated: Spring 2015: 60 hours)

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* 29. Anecdotal Information:


Question Title

* 30. Please provide the following information regarding the primary faculty member you worked with on this project.

Question Title

* 31. Please provide any comments/ feedback that would help us improve this student opportunity in the space below.