PARTICIPATION: If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this study now or in the future, contact the IONS Director of Research, Dr. Helané Wahbeh at This research is being overseen by an Institutional Review Board (“IRB”). You may also communicate directly with the IRB Chair, Garret Yount, PhD by emailing him at if:
● Your questions, concerns, or complaints are not being answered by the research team.
● You wish to talk to someone besides the research team.
● You have questions about your rights as a research subject.
● You want to get more information or provide input about this research.
ALTERNATIVES: You do not have to join this or any research study. Your participation is strictly voluntary, and you may discontinue the study activities at any time with impunity. If you enter the study and later change your mind, you have the right to quit at any time. If you choose not to join any or all parts of this study or withdraw early from any or all aspects of the study, there will be no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.