Collegeville Park Survey Question Title * 1. How often do you visit public parks and open spaces? Weekly Monthly Collegeville Community Park: Collegeville Community Park: Weekly Collegeville Community Park: Monthly Waterworks Park: Waterworks Park: Weekly Waterworks Park: Monthly Hunsberger Woods: Hunsberger Woods: Weekly Hunsberger Woods: Monthly Creekside Park: Creekside Park: Weekly Creekside Park: Monthly Other: Other: Weekly Other: Monthly Question Title * 2. Please identify the street in Collegeville Borough where you live: Question Title * 3. Should the Borough provide more active recreational facilities or equipment for: Preschool 0-5 Youth 6-12 Teen 13-18 Adult 19-34 Older Adult 35-59 Senior 60+ Physically Challenged Question Title * 4. Please list any additional recreational facilities or equipment that you would like to see in the Borough: Question Title * 5. Please let us know what you like and don't like about the existing recreational facilities in Collegeville Borough: Community Park on Park Ave Waterworks Park (owned jointly with Trappe Borough) Hunsberger Woods Scout Cabin on Clamer Ave Question Title * 6. Please list any additional comments, ideas or suggestions you may have related to our Borough Parks: Question Title * 7. If you would like to help the Collegeville Borough Parks Committee to improve our recreational facilities and open space area, please provide your email address: Done