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The Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Activities (RPCA) established the Community Matching Fund (Fund) in 2016. The Fund promotes collaborative partnerships among City of Alexandria community organizations by providing matching 1:1 dollars for groups that propose fundraising for park and recreation improvement projects. The Fund fosters public/private partnerships and cultivates innovative ways for residents to have a greater stake in improving the park and recreation facilities that they use. These partnerships will also provide opportunities for developing positive relationships between the City and the community. 

Beginning July 1, 2022, a total of $200,000 in City matching funds will be available. RPCA will give 1:1 matching award in an amount up to $50,000, which allows a minimum of four proposals to be selected. Awards may vary given in any amount between $5,000 (for project totals of $10,000) to $50,000 (for project totals of $100,000).

RPCA will accept proposals through June 25. To submit a proposal, fill out the application below. Before applying, please review all of the qualifications on the fund website. We suggest writing your essay responses outside of this form and then cutting and pasting the text into the application to ensure editing capabilities.

If you have questions, please contact Lucresha Murphy, PARKnership Manager, at

Para una solicitor una aplicación o información adicional en español por favor contacta a Ana Vicinanzo a o 703.746.5494.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us about yourself and your community group.

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* 2. Name of Project

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* 3. Location of Project

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* 4. Please add a map and outline of project location

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* 5. What is the total cost of the project?

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* 6. How did you develop the cost estimate?

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* 7. What will be your group's monetary contribution?

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* 8. How many volunteer hours do you expect your community group will contribute to this project?

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* 9. Do you expect any in-kind donations? If so, please explain.

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* 10. What is the monetary funding match you are seeking from the City?

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* 11. Proposed Idea (will be evaluated for up to 30 points)
Please provide information on your proposed idea in approximately 200 words. 

Applicants must demonstrate the project’s alignment to the RPCA Strategic Plan. The proposal must include a detailed work plan, explain how the project will:
  • Connect the Community: Our parks and facilities are the public’s common ground that equitably bring together our vibrant and diverse community.
  • Invest in the Environment: Our commitment to natural spaces provides physical, mental, and community benefits, while offering opportunities to engage with and conserve our natural resources.
  • Improve Well-being: Our programs and facilities motivate the community to make healthy choices and live active lifestyles through all stages of life and at all levels of ability.
If applicable to the project site location, projects should also show consistency with the Citywide Park Improvement Plan (2014), Neighborhood Park Improvement Plan (2016), Pocket Park Improvement Plan (2020) or other City planning documents.

Question Title

* 12. Neighborhood Involvement/Community Building (will be evaluated for up to 30 Points)

Please provide information on how you will involve the community in the project fundraising and/or implementation.

Applicants must demonstrate the project’s effectiveness by including as many diverse groups and individuals as possible and should reflect the demographics of the neighborhood/community, including youth, seniors, renters, homeowners, and business organizations. Documentation of support from community associations and/or stakeholders is encouraged. (approximately 200 words)

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* 13. Please upload documentation of community support, if available.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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* 14. Project Resources & Readiness (will be evaluated for up to 30 points) 

Please explain the availability of the project's financial and labor resources.

Applicants must demonstrate the ability to obtain widespread and diverse match contributions of cash, volunteer labor, donated professional services, and donated materials as indicators of community support. Community groups must show that they can raise their matching funds within 12 months. They must also show a project timeline. Proposals that demonstrate a maintenance assistance plan will receive higher consideration.
(approximately 200 words)

Question Title

* 15. Outcomes (will be evaluated for up to 10 points) 
Applicants should provide their project goals and objectives. 

Please identify how you will measure project success with specific outcomes, both tangible and/or intangible results.

Thank you for submitting your Community Matching Fund Application.

Following closure of the application process on June 25, RPCA staff will evaluate the proposals and recommend specific projects to proceed based on qualifications and the rating criteria.

Staff will present the proposals to the Park and Recreation Commission (PRC) at their September meeting on September 15, 2022. At this meeting, the applicants will have an opportunity to speak to the PRC about their project and answer questions. 

The PRC will provide approval or request additional information at their Public Hearing on October 20, 2022. Groups may proceed with fundraising efforts once given PRC approval. Following approval, the City and the community group will enter into a formal agreement that outlines both the City and the group’s responsibilities. City matching funds will be available at the start of the fiscal year on July 1.  Funds will be allocated to each project when a group has reached their fundraising goal.

Note: Funding for the Community Matching Fund will be based on the FY 2023 Operating & Capital Improvement Budget adoption on May 4, 2022 by City Council
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