What's Happening? Recognize Needs and Tend Care Welcome Caregivers and Family Members of Delaware Hospice, In addition to the printed materials we've given to the person designated as primary caregiver, we're glad to provide these videos to you and all who provide care to your loved one. Click here to download and print a list of these videos for your ongoing reference. Make notes for yourself. Talk with your team members. Share information with other family and friends. Help them understand what your loved one may be experiencing, and what we're all doing--together--to tend your loved one's needs. Question Title Primary Caregivers: While the information in these videos applies to most hospice patients, refer to your more personalized training from and conversations with your hospice team members. Contact us if you see big changes or unmet needs. We're here for you! Call us at 800.838.9800. Family Members: Especially when you are unable to meet with the team, these videos can help you (1) recognize and understand what may be happening, and (2) learn what you can do to help! Question Title Question Title Use these controls to adjust volume and screen size (in the lower right corner of each video). Please report technical problems with any of these videos to support@composinglife.com. Please become familiar with this information to help ensure safe care for your loved one, your family, and for all who provide any visits. Talk with your team! We're here for you, Delaware Hospice, 800.838.8900. What core questions are you asking about hospice care? Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? As a caregiver, how can you provide independence, safety, and dignity? How can you recognize pain and provide comfort? Medications can be so complicated. Here's help for what you need to know and do. Is the person you are tending having trouble breathing? Is your loved one anxious? Are you? What can you do? Is your loved one sad? Are you? What can you do? What beliefs and values are being honored, or are in conflict? Look more closely. What SIGNs might indicate SIGNificant changes in your loved one's condition? What happens at "final moments"? How can you prepare? Give care? Question Title Question Title Question Title * Did you learn anything in these videos, that helps you provide great care for your loved one? Yes Somewhat Yes No Yes Somewhat Yes No Question Title * Which videos do you find to be helpful? (check all that apply) Core Questions Moving Safely Pain and Comfort Medications and Side Effects Breathing Anxiety Sadness Beliefs and Values Signs of Change Final Moments We value your comments. Through these tough and tender times, we send support to you as you tend your loved one, your selves, and each other.To Exit, click "Close." Question Title (c) 2020-2022. Composing Life Out of Loss. All rights reserved. Close