EBAday 2025 Fintech Zone
Application to participate

Do you have a novel, innovative product or service that’s addressing an issue in the current banking and finance sector? Then we’re looking for you.

The Fintech Zone at EBAday 2025 is a chance to pitch your product to senior decision makers and industry leaders of the European banking community and network with industry players.

To join the class of 2025 as a participating fintech company, apply below.

* Denotes a required answer
Company Details
Company / Organisation Name(Required.)
City / Town(Required.)
Year company was founded(Required.)
Annual Revenue (Turnover)
Number of Employees(Required.)
Have you applied for the Fintech Zone before?(Required.)
Your Company Website:(Required.)
Your Company LinkedIn:(Required.)
Your Pitch
Tell us about your organisation and why it was founded (<150 words.)(Required.)
Describe your product or service (<300 words.)(Required.)
Which EBAday theme does your product best align with?(Required.)
What challenge/problem does your product address within this theme? (<300 Words)(Required.)
What is the USP of your product or service to address this challenge? (<300 words)(Required.)
Do you have any specific use cases that your product addresses?(Required.)
What is your key target market within financial services? (<100 words)(Required.)
How do you currently engage with financial institutions and/or banks and what success have you had? (<300 words)(Required.)
Why do you want to take part in the EBAday Fintech Zone (<300 words)(Required.)
Contact details (Person responsible for entry)
Full Name(Required.)
Email Address(Required.)
Job Title(Required.)
Phone Number (Incl. Dialing code)(Required.)
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