Who should do the survey?
This survey is asking residents who live in Dalby Square and the surrounding streets a few questions about the scheme and how it has affected you.  Please share your views by answering the questions. 
  • Please follow the instructions for each question carefully.  Some of them ask you to select one option, and some more than one option, or to write something in.
  • Everything you tell us will be treated in the strictest confidence – we definitely won’t pass your details on to anyone else.
  • If you have any questions please telephone Information by Design on 01482 467467.
  • When asking these questions we talk about the Townscape Heritage Initiative scheme – which we shorten to THI.   The area covered by the THI was around Dalby Square, Dalby Street and Arthur Road.
Enter the prize draw!
If you return the questionnaire fully completed, we will enter you into a prize draw for one of three shopping vouchers to the value of £30, £20 and £10.

Thank you for your help.

Please click 'next' to start the survey