Nell .... Intro from AIAM .. setting context.. happy to write
Thank-you for considering completing a survey that we hope in return will also provide you with information that will assist with your planning for dogs in open space.
Over time we hope to build up a database of colleagues that might have an ongoing interest in discussing and sharing issues and solutions to issues on this topic.
This first survey looks to establish some fairly general information about the current state of affairs/policy position held by councils, plus some detail on some specific issues.
Further surveys will delve further into specific issues and address matters that are raised by participating councils.
We are happy to make the information available to participating councils on a basis that will not identify them unless express permission is given to do this.

Please feel free to send the link to the survey on to colleagues in other councils.
If you want any information on the survey or have any questions about the survey please contact Lesley Humphreys, on 0418 982 070 or email lesley@lmhconsulting.com.au

We would appreciate getting the information by Wednesday 19th September even if it is only partially completed.
** If you have any technical issues completing the survey, then please contact Lesley on 0418 982 070

Many thanks

Lesley Humphreys
Director LMH Consulting/Paws4Play

Question Title

* 1. Contact details and organisation. So we can follow up with you and know if we are talking to colleagues in the same organisation

Question Title

* 2. What best describes your council's current Dog Off-leash policy for PARKS / RESERVES?

Question Title

* 3. About off-leash areas

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* 4. Is your council likely to increase or decrease the number of off-leash areas for dogs in the near future?

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* 5. IF YOUR COUNCIL IS CONSIDERING DECREASING dog off-leash areas can you please tell us why?

Question Title

* 6. IF YOUR COUNCIL IS CONSIDERING INCREASING dog off-leash areas, can you please tell us why?