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1. Study background

In this online survey, which is part of the EU-funded (Interreg North-West Europe) eHUBS project, we are interested in your use of shared mobility options, defined as the access to shared conventional or electric vehicles on an as-needed basis. Here, we are especially interested in the use of shared vehicles available at electric mobility hubs, also known as eHUBs. Even if you are not currently using any shared mobility, you can still participate in the survey.

Question Title

eHUBS are on-street locations in local neighbourhoods, or at bus or train stations, that offer members of the public access to a range of shared electric vehicles including e-bikes, e-cargobikes, and e-cars (see Figure 1 for an illustration). eHUBS are for everybody and can fulfil different mobility needs by providing shared mobility options for a range of situations, be it for the daily commute, grocery shopping, or leisure.

Here, we would like to know about your experience with shared mobility, or how likely you see yourself using shared mobility options, such as those available from eHUBs, in the future, and for what travel purposes. In addition, you will be asked to provide us with some basic information about yourself and some details about your general travel behaviour and attitudes.

Figure 1. Illustration of an electric mobility hub (eHUB)

<span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">eHUBS are on-street locations in local neighbourhoods, or at bus or train stations, that offer members of the public access to a range of shared electric vehicles including e-bikes, e-cargobikes, and e-cars (see <strong>Figure 1</strong> for an illustration). eHUBS are for everybody and can fulfil different mobility needs by providing shared mobility options for a range of situations, be it for the daily commute, grocery shopping, or leisure.<br><br>Here, we would like to know about your experience with shared mobility, or how likely&nbsp;you see yourself using shared mobility options, such as those available from eHUBs, in the future, and for what travel purposes. In addition, you will be asked to provide us with some basic information about yourself and some details about your general travel behaviour and attitudes.<br><br>Figure 1. Illustration of an electric mobility hub (eHUB)</span>
Study participation and rewards

In order to understand more about the way people get around in Greater Manchester and people's views on using shared electric vehicles, please complete this questionnaire. In return, you will receive the following benefits if you sign up to Enterprise Car Club:


Once you have completed the survey, simply visit https://www.enterprisecarclub.co.uk or download the Enterprise Car Club app from the App Store or Google Play. The special discount code will be provided at the end of questionnaire.

The offer is for new Enterprise Car Club members only. One year’s membership included for £10 (usually £60/yr). £10 driving credit, valid for 90 days and excluding mileage, applied once application is approved. Offer valid until survey close. For full terms and conditions please visit www.EnterpriseCarClub.co.uk/tc1

Please note that the survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Once you have reached the end of the survey, you are also welcome to sign up for future research related to eHUBs, by providing a valid email address. If you have any concerns or queries while completing the survey, please email innovation@tfgm.com.