Invitation and Participant Information

You are invited to participate as a volunteer in a research project examining the physiological and psychological profiles of women with endometriosis.

Dr Tegan Hartmann Dr Danielle Girard Dr Georgia Wingfield
Chief Investigator Chief Investigator Co-Investigator
School of Allied Health, Exercise & Sport Sciences Allied Health and Human Performance Western NSW LHD
Charles Sturt University University of South Australia  
Email: Email: Email:
Ph: 02 6338 4067 Ph: 08 8302 1207  
The aim of this study is to capture information regarding physiological and psychological factors that may influence participation in exercise, perception of exercise, and pain associated with endometriosis in Australian women living with endometriosis.
To be considered for enrolment into the study, you must have a laparoscopy confirmed diagnosis of endometriosis and be over the age of 18 years.  There are two parts to this study. Part 1 is this online survey. Part 2 involves collection of some data on either Charles Sturt University Bathurst Campus or at the University of South Australia. If you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding, you are not eligible for the second part of the study.

Question Title

Prior to involvement, you are required to read the information sheet and provide consent. As a volunteer, you will complete this online survey to ascertain demographic information, current treatment, management strategies, perceptions of exercise, current exercise behaviours and preferences, scores of depression, anxiety, pain, sleep quality, and quality of life.  The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete.

If you are located near a relevant campus (Charles Sturt University, Bathurst OR University of South Australia, Adelaide), you will be invited to attend a testing session where a saliva sample will be collected for analysis of biomarkers linked to endometriosis. Further, anthropometric data (body weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and body composition (DEXA) will be collected. You will be requested to abstain from exercise for the 24h prior to testing, and abstain from eating, drinking or brushing their teeth for 30 minutes prior to the collection of a saliva sample.

**The testing procedures are only relevant to Part 2 of this study**

Following informed consent, you will undertake a testing session. The testing session will involve the completion of:
     Height and weight
     Waist and hip girth
     Blood pressure and heart rate
     Saliva sample
     Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) (for measures of body composition)

Completion of Online Survey - approximately 15 minutes

*Part 2, for local volunteers only*
Collection of Saliva and Anthropometric data - 30 minutes -1 hour
Participants will attend the laboratories at the University.  This does not include travel time to and from the campus.

Participation in this study will be STRICTLY confidential, all information collected from you will be de-identified and kept on password-protected computers. Only the chief investigators will have access to your information.

At the end of the survey, if you are interested in learning more about Part 2, you are able to provide your contact details. If you do this, your survey will be identifiable. The same confidentiality procedures will occur.

Entering responses into this online survey is taken as consent to participate in Part 1 of the project (this survey).  Anonymous survey data cannot be withdrawn once submitted.

You will be required to provide both written and verbal consent prior to any testing procedures.  You CAN withdraw consent, your involvement and your data in Part 2 of the study at any time without any repercussions. Please note, only data concerning Part 2 of the study can be withdrawn.
Participants are not responsible for any accidental damage to or loss of equipment or facilities throughout the duration of the study.

This project has been approved by Charles Sturt University’s Human Research Ethics Committee [Protocol number: H23854]. If you have any complaints or concerns about the ethical conduct of this project, you may contact:
     HREC Secretary
     Human Research Ethics Committee
     Ph: 02 6933 4213
Any issues you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated fully and you will be informed of the outcome.

Please click Next to start the survey.