Thank You for Applying

Thank you for your interest in serving on the 2025 Elevate Technology User Group Board of Directors. The call for nominations will be open October 24, 2024, and close on November 6, 2024. Applications will be shared with the Elevate Nominations Committee. All nominees will be contacted after November 6 regarding next steps of the process.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Company

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* 3. Work Address

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* 4. Phone Number

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* 5. Email Address

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* 6. How many years have you been with your company?

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* 7. What is your current role and how long have you been in this position?

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* 8. Describe your current role and responsibilities within your organization.

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* 9. Summarize your work history over the last ten years, highlighting managerial responsibilities.

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* 10. Tell us about your IT infrastructure and Dell products in your work environment.

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* 11. How does Dell Technologies play into the strategic direction of your IT organization, as well as your company as a whole?

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* 12. Please describe your history and experience with Dell Technologies:

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* 13. What is your knowledge or experience in dealing with strategic issues? What strategic direction do you think Dell Technologies should take? 

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* 14. What do you think you can offer by becoming a member of the Elevate Board? What is your interest and vision for Elevate and its Board?

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* 15. Describe what you believe the role of the Board of Directors should be within the Elevate Technology User Group?

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* 16. How would you describe your leadership style? What are the three most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

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* 17. Discuss your experience developing AND communicating strategic visions within your career. 

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* 18. Do you participate on any other Board of Directors? If so, which ones? 

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* 19. Are you prepared to stay involved with the Board for the entire term length? Director terms are 2-year terms.

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* 20. Are you able to travel up to three times a year for Board-related trips?

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* 21. Please list any blogs, websites, or articles you have contributed to and any social media avenues you would like to share: