E-Symposium Information

Date: July 11, 2017
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Each family is unique, with a number of different factors influencing parenting styles, including family structure, culture, values, beliefs, language, health, education and location, to name a few. Newcomer families often juggle integration while preserving their own cultures and languages. As a result, parenting styles or expectations may be different and newcomers may have difficulty adapting or blending their parenting style once in Canada.

This E-Symposium will look at parenting from a newcomer perspective, discuss various settlement supports that influence parenting in Canada, and learn the role of the educator and the curriculum taught in the school system.


This E-Symposium will discuss the role that settlement staff and LINC instructors play in the adaptation process.

Question Title

* Online Connection Information

Question Title

* Registration Type
This event is funded by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and is free for all service provider organizations (SPOs) funded by IRCC in the province of BC. Individuals from other organizations are welcome to attend for a small fee. Registration for AMSSA members and Safe Harbour affiliates costs $10 per connection and registration for organizations with no affiliation to AMSSA or Safe Harbour costs $20 per connection.

To check if your organization is an AMSSA member, click here.
To check if your organization is a Safe Harbour member, click here

Please indicate which type of registration applies to your organization:

25% of survey complete.