Wey Valley Sports School Holiday Activity Camps – Parents Feedback Questionnaire

1.How did you hear about our camps?
2.How many children do you book onto the activity camps?
3.How was the camp paid for or funded?
4.How would you prefer to pay for future camps?
5.How would you rate the sign-up process?
1 Very Poor
2 Poor
3 Good
4 Very Good
5 Excellent
6.As a parent how satisfied are you with the information and contact regarding allergies, medical or special needs? *If applicable
1 Very Poor
2 Poor
3 Good
4 Very Good
5 Excellent
7.*If applicable, were you able to discuss these needs with a member of staff?
8.Rate how your child/children enjoyed the camps:
1 Very Poor
2 Poor
3 Good
4 Very Good
5 Excellent
9.Rate how your child/ children enjoyed the food and options:
1 Very Poor
2 Poor
3 Good
4 Very Good
5 Excellent
10.Will your child/children be looking to attend camps in future holidays?
11.As a parent, considering the policies, processes, and staffing levels in place, rate how you felt your child/children were safe and cared for during the camps?
1 Very Poor
2 Poor
3 Good
4 Very Good
5 Excellent
12.What activity camps would you like to see in the future?
13.Were you aware of the policies and had sufficient information prior to the camp?
14.Please confirm what you were unsure of if applicable:
15.How would you rate the level of communication from the Club Manager/Designated Safeguarding Lead?
1 Very Poor
2 Poor
3 Good
4 Very Good
5 Excellent
16.Any additional comment you would like to leave?
17.Would you like to leave a testimony or have any comments we can use in marketing future camps to families online?
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