Please take a moment to complete this brief survey about Indianapolis Public Library services and offerings. We appreciate your time and feedback.

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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. What is your ethnicity?

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* 4. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 5. Do you live in one of the following library service areas?

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* 6. How can the library actively engage with local cultural and artistic communities to celebrate diversity? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 7. What role can the library play in promoting intergenerational and diverse connections and activities? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 8. How can the library use emerging technologies to enhance accessibility for patrons with disabilities? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 9. What role can the library play in addressing the digital divide within our community and ensuring equitable access to technology? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 10. How can the library foster a sense of belonging and community ownership among its patrons? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 11. How can the library enhance its support for lifelong learning and personal development, including adult education and skill-building programs? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 12. What perceptions or misconceptions about libraries might be preventing non-patrons from engaging with library services? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 13. What training or resources would help library staff better serve patrons with diverse needs and backgrounds? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 14. What are the key challenges or obstacles faced by library staff in delivering exceptional services, and how can these be overcome? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 15. Are there specific initiatives or resources your organization needs from the library to better serve the community? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 16. In what ways can the library align its goals with broader government strategies for community development and economic growth? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 17. How can the library provide resources and services that support educators in addressing the unique challenges of the 21st-century classroom? SELECT NO MORE THAN THREE

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* 18. Please use the space below to share any other feedback.