
Hello and welcome to the LGBTQ+ Community Needs Assessment Survey. We appreciate you taking the time to help us learn more about your experiences. The Guilford Green Foundation, in partnership with local community organizations and in working with Raven Consulting Group, is conducting this survey to help us better understand the needs and experiences throughout your daily life. The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey by April 7th.

The questions are designed to identify the most pressing needs facing LGBTQ+ community members and to reveal the more nuanced needs and issues that people experience moving through the world as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. To achieve this, the survey asks a series of questions about different types of services commonly required by the general population, but with the understanding that LGBTQ+ community members would have experiences accessing and using each service that may differ from the overall population.

The survey data allow us to share the experiences of the LGBTQ+ survey respondents and compare the needs and experiences across various subgroups of the LGBTQ+ population. The information gathered here will be kept confidential and analyzed for general themes and patterns. Insights from this analysis will be made available to the community in the aggregate form. We will not associate your name with any quotes or other information, and our findings will be used solely to improve outcomes for everyone and create a more vibrant community. 
Thank you for your participation. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact Jeanie Duncan from Raven Consulting Group at jduncan@jeanieduncan.com or Dennis John at djohn@woexception.org.