Employers pay more attention to leadership development, in terms of time and resources, than any other area of human capital management. But only about one-third of organizations believe their leadership development programs have a significant impact on the business. This survey seeks to examine the root causes of this disconnect and what organizations intend to do to solve these challenges.

We will use the research results to create frameworks and tools to help organizations improve inclusive leadership, empower leader collaboration, enable leaders to drive engagement, and more.

The survey should take 12-13 minutes to complete. To show our appreciation for your time, those who complete the survey and provide their email will:
-- Receive a summary report of the research results once the survey is completed and results analyzed.
-- Get download access to the on-demand webinar, Developing Leaders in Uncertain Times.

Your survey responses will remain completely confidential and your name will not be given to any external parties. Your email will only be used to deliver your research summary results, complimentary research paper, and any other items cited above. If you grant permission, we may request an interview to learn more about leadership development in your organization.

All the best,

Claude Werder
Senior Vice President and Principal HCM Analyst
Brandon Hall Group