Applicants to the Emerging Leaders program must complete the following:

A range of short essay questions related to your experience and interest in the program.

Written letter of confirmation and support from the Executive Director or other senior manager of your organization of your participation in the program.

One letter of recommendation from the applicant's professional life . Applicants may submit a second recommendation letter; however, only one is required.

An agreement to honor the time commitment, attendance expectations, and other program participation requirements. Your application will be read by IEC National staff, National Emerging Leader Committee, and the Emerging Leaders program facilitators. The most qualified candidates will be invited for a zoom interview prior to final selection in February 2025. The program begins in April. In the interest
of developing a diverse cohort, we will accept only one applicant from an organization into the program and never accept more than two applicants per organization into the program; we seek to manage expectations accordingly.

Question Title

* 1. Personal Information

Question Title

* 2. How did you learn about IEC's Emerging Leaders Program? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. Verification of Program Eligibility and Commitment

Please check the appropriate boxes to confirm your eligibility for the Emerging Leaders program.

  Yes No
I have at least one year of work experience in the electrical industry.
I am currently working in the electrical industry, and I am committed to supporting the growth of the electrical industry.
I have leadership responsibilities in my current position, including managing projects and/or supervising personnel.

Question Title

* 4. Program Commitments

Please carefully review the following Program Commitments and check off the commitments that you agree to keep if invited to participate. Your completion of this section is in lieu of a signed agreement and represents your personal commitment to be a fully engaged participant if accepted into the program. All boxes must be checked in order for your application to be processed.

  I Agree I do not Agree
Networking and Learning Conversations: I will complete the take-home reading assignments and written exercises on a timely basis between sessions, which are estimated to take 3-5 hours per month virtually. There are multiple day commitments, please expect to take 12-15 hours per month.
Attendance: I will plan to attend 100% of the monthly meetings for the full duration of each meeting, managing my job responsibilities, personal commitments, and workplace expectations accordingly, and I understand that absence should only be for extreme circumstances beyond my control. If I must miss any part of the programming, I will notify the Lead Facilitator as early as possible.
Peer Support: I will work to help my fellow participants gain as much value from the program as I hope to gain for myself - via peer coaching, positive encouragement, suggestions and sharing experiences. I will be candid but not judgmental in giving them feedback, when appropriate.
Confidentiality: I will treat all exchanges with my fellow program participants as confidential and will not share what other participants say or do with anyone outside the group. This includes the content of participant email exchanges and phone calls, as well as conversations during the monthly sessions.
Program Support/Fundraising: I agree to support the sustainability of Emerging Leaders, as a program ambassador, by participating in at least one initiative per year.

Question Title

* 5. Current Employer Information

Question Title

* 6. What type of position do you have work experience in?

Question Title

* 7. Briefly describe your work/training history:

Question Title

* 8. Education

Question Title

* 9. Please share previous professional, management, or leadership development programs in which you have participated. Please provide us with the program name, year completed, duration of the program, and 1-2 sentences that describe the program's focus area.

Question Title

* 10. Essay Question: Leadership: How will leadership development serve you, your organization, and the nonprofit/electrical industry?

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* 11. Essay Question: Management: How will improving your management and communication skills affect those you manage and those who manage you?

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* 12. Essay Question: Civic Engagement: Describe aspects of your experience that reflect your commitment to the nonprofit or electrical industry, and your commitment to creating systemic change.

Question Title

* 13. Essay Question: Self-Assessment: Describe the personal and professional strengths and talents that you bring to your work. What makes you an especially valuable team member within your current organization and the other work groups to which you have belonged? Additionally, what development areas do you hope to improve through your participation in the Emerging Leaders program?

Question Title

* 14. Essay Question: What would you like us to know about you that is not already included in your application or in your supporting materials? Please also share information IEC should know about your current professional circumstances and your ability to participate (e.g. special accommodations, work travel, imminent job change, etc.).

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* 15. Please upload your current resume.

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Question Title

* 16. Please upload your letter of recommendation.

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