Practice finance survey - Summer 2024 |
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this BMA survey, which is open to all GP practices across England.
The aim is to build evidence for the GPC England team to inform the annual contract negotiations. We appreciate how hard the past few months have been for GP contractors and their practice managers. This is your opportunity to feed into an evidence base demonstrating the impact of inflation and rising costs, over the last couple of years, on GP practices across England.
We recommend that respondents have relevant information to hand before starting the survey: they will need GP practice accounts for 2022/23 and 2023/24, and information on staff numbers and practice list size. With this information to hand, it should take you 20 to 30 minutes to complete the survey. The only question which is mandatory is the practice code, but once you have entered that you can view the entire survey before completing it. We strongly encourage you to complete the full survey but, if that is not possible, please still complete what you can.
GDPR statement: This information is being collected to inform the BMA's policy and actions relating to how inflation is impacting GP practices. Any data supplied will be viewed by BMA staff and, where appropriate, elected members. This data may include incomplete responses where the respondent has exited the survey before the final submission page. Data will be retained by the BMA for a period not exceeding 12 months post the closure of the survey, before final deletion. Individual identifiable data will not be shared with any third party. Anonymised or purely statistical data may be used publicly or shared with third parties. Participants should not provide personal data of any individual unless they are specifically asked to do so. If you have any queries or concerns about this survey, please contact mkuylen@bma.org.uk.