Training is often one of an organization’s biggest budget line items. With business needs changing quickly and technology advancing even faster, companies are constantly reevaluating how they spend their training dollars. It can also be difficult to determine just how big the training function should be related to a company’s size and the industry in which they operate.

This research effort will look at the ways organizations deliver training, where they are spending their money, and how they allocate training resources. By comparing this information with organizational performance and other demographic data, our goal is to provide high-level benchmarks that organizations can use as a guidepost for their own learning and development programs.

The survey should take you just about 10 minutes to complete. To show our appreciation for your time, those who complete the survey and provide their email will:
-Receive a $5 Amazon gift card (first 100 respondents)
-Receive a summary report of the research results once the survey is completed.
-Get download access to our KnowledgeGraphic, Why We Can't Effectively Measure Learning's Impact on Performance.
-Be invited to a webinar that will focus on the research results. 

Your survey responses will remain completely confidential and your name will not be given to any external parties. Your email will only be used to deliver your research summary results, complimentary research paper, and other any other items cited above.

Thank you for taking our survey,

David Wentworth
Principal Learning Analyst
Brandon Hall Group