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Informed Consent

SupportingLines Leadership Development is data-driven and it all starts with a 360° review, including your self-assessment.

We help leaders:  
  - Get 360° feedback to identify opportunities for growth and development
  - Acquire or refine skills in priority development areas, leveraging the SupportingLines Cloud™️
  - Put skills into action with the support of a mentor-coach who observes the leader in action & provides feedback
  - Get more 360° feedback to assess progress and set the next development goal

Survey format
This self-assessment is a similar format to our High-Performance Leader 360° Review. The survey asks 30 questions adapted from the SupportingLines High-Performance Index™️ to explore how well you think you Help Teams Align, Help Teams Collaborate, and Help People Grow. We then ask two open-ended questions to identify strengths and leadership development opportunities.

This survey is entirely opinion-based and takes approximately 10-15 mins to complete.

Point of contact:
Jeff Smith (Founder & CEO of the SupportingLines Institute)


The results of this self-assessment are confidential. We reserve the right to use anonymous data that is not linked to any identifying information in our research. Only our coaches and researchers will have access to the information given by participants. No one will know the names of the participants or what their answers are to different questions.

Usage of the results 
The outcome of the survey might be published, mentioned in a written paper, and presented in a conference. Only the aggregated data will be used to analyze and present in the final white paper. Any other information that might lead to participant’s identity will NOT be included in any written form or presentation.

Intellectual property rights
The questions herein are copyright protected by SupportingLines Institute Inc. and should not be used in any capacity without the express written permission of SupportingLines Institute Inc. SupportingLines, SupportingLines Cloud and the SupportingLines High Performance Index are trademarks of SupportingLines Institute Inc. All rights reserved.

Question Title

* Please check “I agree with the terms” box if you understand and agree with the terms from above and are ready to answer the survey questions. If you check the “I disagree with the terms” box, you will automatically be taken out of the participant list, and you will be directed to the final page of the survey.

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