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Welcome to the Department of Training and Workforce Development's WA Jobs, Education and Training (WAJET) Industry and Regional Stakeholder Survey 2023.

This survey aims to gather information to understand the current and expected skills and workforce development needs of industries in Western Australia. 
The feedback provided through the WAJET Survey will inform the development of the State Priority Occupation List, WA Skilled Migration List/Graduate Occupation List, Priority Industry Qualifications List, and other training priorities for the State.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that if you exit the survey without completion, your responses will not be saved and you will need to restart your submission.

Please note: Information provided in this survey will be aggregated for reporting purposes, with no identifying details included.

Question Title

* 1. Organisation name

Question Title

* 2. Contact Name

Question Title

* 3. Position title

Question Title

* 4. Email address

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* 5. Phone number

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* 6. Postcode

Question Title

* 8. Organisation type

Question Title

* 9. Please select all the region(s) in which you operate.

Please note: If your workforce is located across different regions, you are most welcome to submit a separate submission for each region. 

0 of 24 answered