Question Title

* 1. Enter Name and Student ID

Please complete the following quiz using responses based upon the contents from the reading assigned for Session 1. Concepts may overlap with other materials discussed in class; however, the primary responses are based on readings from Day 1.

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* 2. Leadership is all about...

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* 3. Although rules and regulations may add higher levels of accountability (e.g., adding a "stick" with the potential of penalties for violation of rules), they cannot regulate everything. For example, rules and regulations...

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* 4. As you discover what you care about, what defines you, and what makes you who you are, you will discover...

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* 5. As a leader, you have the opportunity to give direction. However, people are watching. When you lead by setting a solid example...

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* 6. What is the foundation of leadership?

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* 7. The _________________ is more likely than any other person to influence others' desire to stay or leave their organization, the trajectory of their careers, their ethical behavior, ability to perform at their best, drive to "wow" customers, and motivation to serve the organization's vision and values.

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* 8. Authenticity in leadership comes as you lead others according to...

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* 9. To perform at their best, leaders enlist others in a common vision by...

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* 10. The leadership value portrayed by self-knowledge where the leader remains true to personal convictions that are not swayed by public pressure or influence is called:

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* 11. Transformational leadership may best be described as a type that helps followers: