Question Title

* 1. Enter Name and Student ID

Please complete the following quiz using responses based primarily upon the contents from the assigned reading. Some responses may be influenced from our conversations in class as well. Concepts may overlap with other materials discussed in class; however, the primary responses are based on assigned readings. When in doubt, or you believe that more than one answer can apply, use the MOST CORRECT answer.

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* 2. Setting direction is not the same as planning. Setting direction is a (a)_____ function where planning is a (b)_____ function.

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* 3. Leadership can be tough, especially when having to make decisions. One of the greatest challenges about decision making in leadership is: 

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* 4. With how much change there is in the world today, some will say that having a vision five, or ten, or even two years out is impractical - we don't even know what will happen in a few weeks or months. Does this make it unrealistic for today's leaders to have a clear vision?

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* 5. Management is about coping with...

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* 6. Leaders are responsible a lot - and much is expected of them by the people that follow them (and rely upon them). People expect leaders to be:

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* 7. While your vision is yours, and you want to share it with others...

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* 8. Strategic leaders are the focal point of organizational learning. A best practice of organizational learning is to adopt the philosophy of: 

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* 9. Many leaders spend a lot of time organizing people and resources to get them working toward the same goal. Leaders should spend less time organizing and more time...

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* 10. Leadership is not just about telling people what to do or where to go. It's not just about creating a mission and values. It is also not just about establishing a vision. It's about:

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* 11. Leadership tends to be more about coping with...