We would like to understand your perspective about key trends shaping the future of the Middle Georgia Region.  By answering these questions, you will be contributing to the Middle Georgia Economic Alliance Charrette and Regional Planning initiative exploring the future of the Middle Georgia Region. Your responses to this survey will join the responses of your fellow citizens to form the basis of the data driven and future orientated initiative. Your responses will be used to develop a unique, innovative, and interactive data visualization platform that will allow you to examine the data collected for yourself.

PLEASE NOTE: We are asking a series of multi-dimensional and in-depth questions in this survey. There are 16 Questions and it will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.The responses to this survey are anonymous and the results will be presented in summary form.
Keep informed of survey results and data visualizations by signing up for the email newsletter, and read more about the project

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* 1. What is your age grouping?

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* 2. How would you best describe yourself?

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* 3. How long have you lived or worked in the Middle Georgia region?

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* 4. Within which of the 11 counties do you currently reside?

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* 5. Which sector/area do you represent? 

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* 6. In which broad category of topics do you identify yourself as being most interested?