Workforce and Recruitment Survey

This survey is being undertaken by Curia Market Research on behalf of Industry Partnerships Ministry of Social Development.

The survey should take less than five minutes to complete.

Your responses will be of great assistance to MSD to assess how they can better assist businesses with their workforce challenges.

Your responses are anonymous, and only summarised information will be published.

Thank you in advance for your time.
1.How challenging, if at all, has it been for your business to recruit for your workforce over the last 12 months?
2.Do you have a relationship with MSD/Work & Income for the recruitment of your workforce?
3.Have you recruited anyone from Work & Income in the last 12 months?
4.What recruitment channels have you used to get employees over the past 12 months?
5.For the following MSD/Work & Income products and services please indicate if you have heard of them previously, and if so whether you have used them?
Not heard of
Heard of and used
Heard of and not used
Recruitment Services
Support for New Employees
Employer profile online tool
Covid-19 support
Industry account management
Training and employment
6.Do you have an in-house training programme for your employees?
7.Do you support apprenticeships or cadetships in your business?
8.What assistance would you see as valuable to support your business in hiring people from Work & Income?
9.What are the major challenges you see for your business in the next 12 months?
10.Do you expect your workforce in 12 months time to be larger, smaller or the same size as today?
11.Would you consider hiring a fulltime or part time person who was trained in digital technologies e.g. digital advertising, social media, search engine optimisation if there was financial assistance for you to employ them?
12.Is your business a small, medium or large business? 
13.What area of New Zealand are you primarily located in?
14.Which industry group is your business primarily in?
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