We at ERP Today are looking for your quick feedback on key AI and ERP topics for our 24 October event. We appreciate your time in answering this survey. Thank you!

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* 1. What are the top two or three issues or challenges that you’re experiencing or hearing from your senior-level clients about AI and ERP systems?

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* 2. What specific information are you or your customers seeking to help them tackle these challenges and/or take advantage of AI opportunities within their ERP landscapes?

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* 3. Please rate the following topics/themes on their level of importance/interest regarding AI and ERP (1 being extremely important and 5 being not at all important).

  1 2 3 4 5
AI Concepts, Trends, and Terms
Building the Business Case for AI
Build vs. Buy vs. Partner
Practical Data Models and Getting your Data House in Order
Tools and Technologies to Enable AI in an ERP Environment
Skills and Organizational Team Plans to Support AI
Evaluating your ERP and IT Landscape for AI Readiness
Upgrade and Transformation Strategies for Existing ERP Landscapes
Getting to Clean Core and Limited Customizations
Building an Enterprise Integration Strategy to Support AI
Evaluating your Business Processes for the Move to AI

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* 4. What issues/topics, which are important to you, are missing from the list above?

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* 5. Are you or any of your customers or colleagues interested in speaking on AI and ERP at an upcoming event?

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* 6. Please enter the following information: