Commercial and Procurement Learning & Development Training Needs Analysis Survey |
Welcome to the NHSE Commercial / Procurement Training Needs Analysis Survey
Be part of shaping your future training and development.
This survey is for Procurement, Clinical Procurement, Logistics & Materials Management and Data & Analytics staff members.
NHSE, in partnership with the HCSA, are conducting this survey to understand current training materials and needs so we can shape the training and development that aligns best to your own development.
Please tell us about the training you need to support your current and future development by completing this survey, which should take about 10 minutes.
This survey is anonymous and confidential. To ensure we receive your submission, please click 'Done' once you have completed the survey.
At the end of the survey you will have the option to opt in to Focus Groups, by providing your email address. These Focus Groups are small, virtual discussion forums to allow you to share more information with us. The electronic form that captures your details for the focus group is separate to the rest of the response and cannot be linked back.
An independent organisation, will analyse the findings and the results will be presented in a summary format in which no individual, or their responses, will be identified.
This information will be kept separate from the other answers provided in the survey and will not be associated to any comments/feedback you share.
If you have any technical issues or other questions, please contact england.ccf.ics@nhs.net
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete.
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