Welcome to the OECD Skills Strategy Assessment Survey

In the OECD Skills Strategy project for Ireland, the OECD is working together with Ireland to review how Ireland’s National Skills Strategy 2025 might need to be adapted to ensure that it is still fit for purpose, and identify policy priorities for Ireland by reviewing the most important challenges and opportunities for Ireland’s skills system. Four overarching priority areas have been identified for the project:
  1. Fostering greater participation in lifelong learning in and outside of the workplace
  2. Securing balance in skills through a responsive and diversified supply of skills
  3. Strengthening governance across a joined up skills ecosystem
  4. Leveraging skills to drive innovation and strengthen the performance of firms

In the Assessment phase of the project, which followed the Scoping phase, the aim is to discuss Ireland’s performance in each of the priority areas, select potential opportunities to improve performance, and identify areas for recommendations. To this end, the OECD is organising a range of workshops, bilateral meetings and focus group discussions in June 2022.

With this Survey, we would like to provide you with an opportunity to share your views on the relevance of a number of potential opportunities. Outcomes of the survey will be used as input for the planned consultations and for further analysis in the project, including the recommendations that will be discussed in more detail in the next phase of the project.

We anticipate that the survey will only take a maximum of 5 minutes to complete.

Thank you for taking your time to answer!