The Ontario Veterinary Medical Association (OVMA) is once again partnering with the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) Business Management Program, to conduct the annual Survey of Compensation and Benefits for Associate Veterinarians. This survey collects data on all aspects of compensation and benefits for associate veterinarians.

The survey results will be used to conduct a detailed analysis of associate veterinarian compensation and benefits (e.g., salary and benefits by area, years of experience, type of practice, on call requirements, etc.). The resulting report will be shared with all OVMA and CVMA members. To ensure that the report paints an accurate picture of associate compensation, it is important that you answer every question.

Please complete the questionnaire based on your compensation from private practice in 2021. You are encouraged to use information from your latest pay stub and scheduling information in your hospital to make estimates for the year. If necessary, please average weekly or daily information to get an accurate representation. Accurate detailed information is essential to producing a meaningful report.

If you are paid based on your production, please provide your compensation for the most recent 12 months.

To ensure the strictest confidentiality, all the information is anonymous and the final report will only present consolidated information. No individual will be identifiable. The deadline for survey completion is August 6, 2021. Please enter your name and email address on the final page of the survey for your chance to win $250 or complimentary registration to the 2022 OVMA Conference and Trade Show.

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Dr. Chris Doherty at the OVMA office at 1.800.670.1702 ext. 229 or email:

Thank you for your participation in this important research.