Participate in an online focus group!

Cambridge Focus is conducting online discussion groups with 18-23 year olds throughout the United States as part of an opinion research study about healthy relationships.

We are currently seeking 18-23 year olds who live in California to attend an informal online discussion on Tuesday evening, December 4th. 

Each participant will receive $25 as our thank you for taking part!

You can participate from anywhere you can use a comptuer, smartphone or tablet for a group video chat without being distracted or interrupted.

You would not be asked to purchase or sign-up for anything, and your comments would be confidential.

The results of our research will be used by The American Institutes for Research to help the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services improve how it communicates about developing and maintaining healthy relationships, preventing unplanned pregnancies, avoiding sexually transmitted diseases, and improve health services in community clinics related to reproductive health.

If this is something you are interested in doing please answer the following brief questions and we will contact you.  Please reply promptly, because space is limited.

Please share this questionnaire with others who may be interested.

Question Title

1. Would you be able to participate in an online video chat on Tuesday, December 4th, beginning at 7:00 PM (Pacific Time)?  You would need to have a smartphone, computer with a webcam, or tablet.  The chat would last between 60 and 90 minutes.