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Cal-IPGCA SACNet Skills Bank Survey
Dear Colleagues:
Please read the following guidelines before beginning. Enjoy your survey and thank you in advance for your participation!
The survey consists of 65 questions.
The estimated time for completion is 30 minutes. (This can vary based on text responses.)
The survey is open and is being deployed in collaboration with the Cal-IPGCA Cohort 2021 in the teamed development of the SACNet Skills Bank. It is open for all State of California Employees.
Your input is critically important. Let your voice be heard!
A completion bar is located at the top of the survey.
You can close and then return to your survey.
There is a page break every 5 questions to mitigate time-out duration and returning to partially completed surveys.
When returning, on the same device, previous pages will be Saved, with the current page being blank as it's yet to be submitted. NOTE: Responses are only saved when a respondent clicks Next or Done at the bottom of a page, not dynamically as you answer each question. So make certain you complete a survey section and press "Next or Done" before exiting.
Here's your access link to save for return and completion:
You can amend your responses until you submit the survey.
Once you press "Submit" you will no longer be able to return to your survey.
Questions regarding this survey can be submitted to - Subject: Survey Questions.
The State of California is facing wave after wave of crises that require efficient centralized coordination. Existing strategies and resources are heavily strained from the fallout of COVID-19, racial reform efforts, and escalating disaster management. Collaboration across agency and departmental boundaries are essential if we are to:
-Identify skills and capabilities during emergency activations and back-fill vacancies that result from emergency mandates
-Facilitate agency and department collaboration to coordinate expertise for situational needs that preclude the need to contract specialized services
-Identify special talent within your organization and leverage innovative thinkers and problem-solvers
-Create acute access to leadership skills and capabilities that build your leadership bench
-Introduce and build acceptance of a virtual operating environment in your organization