
Our services help Portsmouth City Council tenants and leaseholders have a voice, improve their community, and get 'work ready' through employment support.

Please take a moment to fill out our survey below - get involved, make a difference!

Data protection
Portsmouth City Council is the Data Controller of any personal data you provide in connection with this survey.  It will only be used for the purpose of analysing the results and improving related services and will not be shared with any other organisations in a way that would identify you.  For further details of how the council collects and uses personal data, please see our full Data Protection Privacy Notice.

This survey uses software supplied by SurveyMonkey.  Please be aware that some of your personal data (for example your IP address) may be processed in the United States.  For full details of how SurveyMonkey complies with the UK General Data Protection Regulation, please see their website here and their Privacy Notice.
6% of survey complete.